From working for a private company to becoming a successful influencer and life coach

Entrepreneur World
6 Min Read

Surat’s Vanitaa Rawat has sculpted a niche for herself as a successful solopreneur since quitting a snug commercial job.

An accredited content creator. A NeuroLinguistic Programming( NLP) guru. A Life Coach. These are just some hats that Surat occupant and entrepreneur – or solopreneur as she likes to call herself – Vanitaa Rawat dons.
Vanitaa worked in the commercial world for 13 times in Mumbai, where she was associated with global banking titans similar as Chase, Barclays, and Bank of America. She was doing exceedingly well as a professional, but she always wanted to be an entrepreneur. She quit the commercial world and embarked on her trip to come an independent entrepreneur.

It has been 9 times since the life- changing decision and pursuing her dream of being an entrepreneur, and Vanitaa has n’t looked back.
“ I was raised by a strong mother who tutored me the value of being independent. She’s the one who tutored me to conjure and to pursue them. I was also blessed to have loving and caring siblings who supported me, nurtured me, and helped me come the woman I’m moment. also, growing up in a once- faced megacity like Mumbai and being part of the largely competitive commercial world has also played a big part in shaping me as a person and a woman, ” says Vanitaa, who shifted to Surat in 2013.

Vanitaa is an alleviation for thousands of women who have dreams but can not pursue them due to other precedences.
“ I believe women are good at multitasking and can manage to play different places. The key is believing in oneself, planning, andprioritising.However, striking a balance between work and family commitments is possible, If these can be sorted. getting an entrepreneur or any other thing that any woman dreams of and works for can be realised, ” she says.

Vanitaa also cautions that success doesn’t come readily, and being an entrepreneur is largely grueling . There are pitfalls with being an entrepreneur as prospects are high and chances of failure indeed failure. She believes the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur is amazing and a transformative experience.
She is, still, quick to add that family support has played a big part in her success.

“ I’m blessed with a great mate who understands my work pressure and shares the parenthood cargo with me. My mama – in- law has been a great enabler in my professional success. Their support has allowed me to reach colorful mileposts in my career, ” says Vanitaa, who’s also laboriously involved with The Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sports Promotion Organization’s Women’s Wing, and a host of other organisations.
Apropos, Vanitaa’s first success as a content creator came during the peak of the Covid- 19 epidemic. She felt that people were floundering in dealing with the epidemic, the worst global healthcare extremity in further than a century, and it was affecting their morale, health, and general good. To spread positivity in the outside world, she started uploading motivational vids with the name “ ViaVanitaaRawat ” and the tagline “ Have a Vishwasful Day ”.
“ The vids kept me busy and helped me remain stable. The love and appreciation from people on social media helped me produce a alternate identity as a content creator. I feel blessed and happy when people across the country write to me saying that my vids inspire them, ” she says.

Vanitaa also rubbishes the general perception that all content generators and successful influencers do is wear fancy outfits and go to high- profile events and parties.
“ There’s much further to being a content creator and influencer. There’s a lot of hard work involved. You have to be on point every single time. As an influencer, you plump or recommend a brand, but you also have to make sure that your followers aren’t being taken for a lift. The marketable aspect of being an influencer is another challenge. Brands will ask you a zillion effects in deliverables, but they do n’t want to pay for the work. numerous musketeers and brands want the work for free, and that really can be a task, ” she says.

Vanitaa’s mother has greatly told her, and she goes back to her training when in need of provocation. “ My mama always said that you can be the ripest or juiciest mango in the world, but there will be people who detest a mango. What do you do? You continue being the stupendous bone
that you are. I try and keep haters and naysayers down by not letting their negativity reach me. I borrow a positive station. I believe that the macrocosm is outfitted in my favour, and I work harder and fiercer every day. At the same time, she adds, I noway fail to take time for myself and indulge in conditioning I enjoy the most, ” she adds.

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