17th September 2023, Mumbai: An audition update for a shortfilm entitled as ‘Miss Burkha’ is creating a huge hype around the film community and artists. Few months back, Parag Chaudhari has announced this project & currently the audition updates are going on. The poster of audition update got viral as it attracting the audience for its unique name & subtitle. A muslim girl can be saying praying in front of Maratha Ruler ‘Shri Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’
Kind of controversy is spreading as well as the audience are diverted in two groups. Some are taking it in positive way while some are connecting it with Hindu Muslim Religious sentiments.
Although Parag said “The film will be different & will be an unique experience for the audience”. Asking about the controversy he replied, “I will not say anything now, its just upto audience & i know they will like this & will support this film”.
Miss Burkha is a shortfilm based on the Values & Prospectives of King ‘Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’ and covering the undiscussed facts about Hindus & Muslims.
Some big names from the industry has shown interest towards this film & we might get to see a starcast performing the lead character.
One thing you must know is, Parag Chaudhari is one of the youngest filmmaker working in Indian Film Indusrty & have did various projects for OTTs. Production of this film is likely to be started in the month of December 2023. Miss Burkha will be a AAA Shortfilm And will be released for the audience on OTT.